Consider the two following matrices ρ1=(1/21/41/41/2) and ρ2=(1/21/21/21/2). Which one represent a mixed state? Explain why? For the other one, write down the corresponding pure state.
Solution: For pure state, it has the following property
For mixed state, it has the following property
We can judge pure state and mixed state by their different properties. For ρ1
So ρ1 represent a mixed state. For ρ2
So ρ2 represent a pure state. Write down the corresponding pure state, as
∣1⟩ and ∣2⟩ are normalized and orthogonal to each other.
Which of the following transitions of the cesium atom are electric dipole-allowed? Which transitions can be considered as cycling (closed transitions)?
Cycling (closed) transitions are those that start and end in the same hyperfine level. From the provided transitions, the following transitions can be considered cycling (closed):
Calculate the Rabi frequency of an atomic transition driven by a light field of intensity 1W/cm2. The relevant dipole matrix element is d=4.2a.u. (the dipole is given in atomic units =qa0). This level of intensity (1W/cm2) is obtained at the focus of a Gaussian laser beam where the waist is w0=60μm. What is the total power of the laser beam?
Solution: For Rabi frequency, we can use the formula:
where ΩR is the Rabi frequency, d is the dipole matrix element, E is the electric field amplitude, and ℏ is the reduced Planck's constant. Given that the intensity of the light field is 1W/cm2, we can calculate the electric field amplitude using the formula:
where I is the intensity of the light field, c is the speed of light, ϵ0 is the vacuum permittivity. We can solve for E :
And then we can calculate the Rabi frequency:
To calculate the total power of the laser beam, we can use the formula:
We consider a 2-level atom interacting with a linearly polarized light field. The levels are denoted as ∣g⟩,∣e⟩. The light field is EL=E0cos(ωLt)ez. The detuning of the field from the respective atomic transition is Δ=ωL−ωeg. Apply the rotating frame transformation U=(100eiωLt) to the system and simplify the Schrödinger equation using the so-called rotating wave approximation. The rotating wave approximation consists in neglecting the fast-oscillating terms in the Hamiltonian written in the rotating frame. Show that an effective Hamiltonian very similar to that described in the lectures for a two-level atom interacting with a circularly polarized light can be obtained, expressed with the relevant Rabi coupling ΩL and detuning Δ. Please pay attention to provide the details of the derivation.
Solution: we have the following two types of Schrödinger equations in Schrödinger picture and rotating frame picture:
where S represents in Schrödinger picture, R represents in rotating frame picture. We can use the rotating frame transformation operator U^ to transform ∣ψ⟩S into ∣ψ⟩R. The corresponding equation as follows:
Then, we apply the transformation to the Schrödinger equations:
We can use the rotating wave approximation. In this approximation, we neglect the fast-oscillating terms in the Hamiltonian written in the rotating frame. Then we can obtain the following:
(By the way, in the derivation above, we assumed an equation ΩL∗=ΩL) As you can see, the effective Hamiltonian in the rotating frame is very similar to the one described in the lectures for a two-level atom interacting with a circularly polarized light. The diagonal terms represent the detuning, and the off-diagonal terms represent the Rabi coupling.
Calculate the recoil energy ER. Give the result in units of Hz (ER/h where h is the Planck constant). Calculate the recoil velocity VR and finally the Doppler temperature.
Consider a Cs atom moving at a velocity of 350m/s and being slowed in a Zeeman slower by a laser driving the ∣6S1/2,F=4,mF=4⟩→∣6S3/2,F=5,mF=5⟩ atomic transition. For this problem, consider that the detuning as seen by the atom is constant equal to −Γ/2, where Γ is the excited state lifetime, and the saturation parameter is s=2.
(a) How many cycles of absorption and emission are necessary for slowing down an atom completely?
(b) What is the duration of such a slowing?
(c) Consider that the Bias magnetic field of the Zeeman slower is 0 G. What is the magnetic field at the entrance of the Zeeman slower? Give the result in Gauss (G).
(d) What is the light field frequency detuning ωL−ωA′ at the entrance into the Zeeman slower? Note that ωA′ is the frequency of the transition including the Zeeman effect and excluding the Doppler shift.
(e) What is the stopping distance? Plot the strength of the magnetic field as a function of the slowing distance.
Consider a standing wave formed by the superposition of two counter-propagating plane waves along x with identical frequency ωL and a two-level Rb atom at rest.
(a) Give the expression of the total light intensity due to the coherent superposition of two counter-propagating plane waves.
(b) Express the total dipole and scattering forces as a function of Δ and position (2-level atom system). We will assume that the total intensity is much smaller than the saturation intensity.